
Kansas Grain Sorghum Celebrates National Ag Day 2020

Kansas Grain Sorghum Celebrates National Ag Day 2020

MANHATTAN, KS – Kansas Grain Sorghum joins our partners around the country–from associations, businesses, and producers themselves–in recognizing the importance and in spreading awareness of the American farmer this National Ag Day, March 24, 2020.

“Now, more than ever, Americans realize the vital link between the pantries in their homes and the food that farmers worked hard to produce in order to supply our nation with abundant, affordable products. Through trying times of crises, our farmers consistently show they can meet America’s needs as well as the needs of our partners across the globe. The Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission appreciates our farmers, their families, and their unflinching dedication to progress our local, national, and global economies,” said Stephen Bigge, farmer from Stockton and Chairman of the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission.

“Our association is proud to recognize the grassroots engagement and time commitments that farmers give in order to share their personal stories of professionalism, entrepreneurship, and patriotism. Every farmer has a story to tell as National Ag Day recognizes their contributions to society,” said Kent Winter, farmer from Andale and President of the Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association.

Kansas is the top sorghum producing state in the nation. Grain sorghum markets exist for food in both the livestock and consumer sectors and the crop is a key feedstock at Kansas ethanol plants, in addition from direct exports to meet international demand. Sorghum farmers in the state harvested 2.4 million acres, producing 204 million bushels, averaging 85 bushels per acre in 2019. For more information about grain sorghum in Kansas, view the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission’s 2019 Annual Report.


The Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission (KGSC) is committed to sorghum promotion, research, and information designed to strengthen, expand, and develop new foreign and domestic markets for sorghum.

The Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association (KGSPA) gives growers a voice in legislative, regulatory and industry affairs through efforts funded by membership dues. 

For more information about KGSC and KGSPA, visit