About the Commission
Legal Creation in Kansas
The Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission (KGSC) is an entity created by the State of Kansas, action of which is codified in K.S.A. 2-3002.
KGSC is committed to sorghum promotion, research, and information designed to strengthen, expand and develop new foreign and domestic markets for sorghum. The Commission focuses “on sound stewardship of financial resources, ensuring sorghum is a long-lasting, profitable crop for Kansas.”
The Commission assists in the development of markets, consumer education and promotion of grain sorghum to enhance producer profitability.
Checkoff Program
The Commission receives “passback” funds from United Sorghum Checkoff Program (USCP). The Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996 established the USCP. The board administers a coordinated program designed to expand foreign and domestic markets and uses for sorghum. Membership comprises sorghum producers and sorghum importers. The Secretary appoints board members from nominations submitted by certified organizations.
Since 1966, Congress has authorized the establishment of 22 industry-funded research and promotion boards. These promotion boards empower farmers and ranchers to leverage their own resources to develop new markets, strengthen existing markets, and conduct important research and promotion activities. USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) provides oversight, paid for by industry assessments, which ensures fiscal accountability and program integrity for participating stakeholders.
For More Information
Please visit the United Sorghum Checkoff Program or call (806) 687-8727.
Sorghum Demand Continues to Rise
Prized for its versatility and drought tolerance, growers and others are giving grain sorghum a second look. Markets for sorghum are promising as well. While Kansas ethanol producers have long valued sorghum as a feedstock, efforts are underway to make it even more attractive. This means more demand for grain sorghum both in Kansas and in other states. Food grade uses for sorghum are also growing in Kansas. Nu-Life Market, a gluten-free, food grade sorghum mill built to FDA standards, growing fast in Scott City and is a national leader in providing gluten free food grade sorghum and other products to consumers and companies across the nation.
Center for Sorghum Improvement
To improve sorghum, the Commission partners with the Center for Sorghum Improvement housed at Kansas State University. To contact the Managing Director, Sarah Bowser, please call (785) 477-6018 or email [email protected].