Growers Working Together

Meet Our Team & Leave Us A Message

Adam York

Adam York

Advancing our industry through teamwork and collaboration


Adam York grew up on a farm and cattle ranch in southwest Kansas and earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Kansas State University. He has worked for National Sorghum Producers as Government Affairs Director, the United Sorghum Checkoff Program as Sustainability Director and for Kansas Grain Sorghum as Program Director. Before joining the sorghum industry in 2019, Adam was a congressional staffer in Washington, D.C., for members of the Kansas delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives. Adam lives in Manhattan, KS, with his family. Adam is a fellow of the Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership (KARL) Program Class XVI.

Maddy Meier
Director of Communications and Outreach

Helping advance the programmatic and communications operations for growers 


Maddy Meier is Kansas Grain Sorghum’s Director of Communications and Outreach. Originally from Goessel, KS, Maddy has strong ties to agriculture. Maddy currently lives in Central Kansas and graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in Agricultural Communications in the spring of 2022.

In addition to her communications role with the organization, Meier assists in advocacy efforts at the state and national level; maintaining relationships with sorghum producers; and overseeing the Kansas Grain Sorghum Collegiate Fellowship Program.

Maddy is a graduate of Syngenta’s Leadership At Its Best program and is currently a Class XVII Associate of the Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership (KARL) Program.


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Mailing Address

Kansas Grain Sorghum
PO Box 2
Manhattan, KS 66505