Education & Reseach
Fun Facts
- Kansas is the largest grain sorghum-producing state in the US.
- Sorghum is gluten-free.
- One-third of the US grain sorghum is used for livestock feed.
- Exports make up one-third of the US grain sorghum market.
- Sorghum can be used as a high-quality aquatic feed.
- Grain Sorghum is also called milo.
- Grain Sorghum is one of the oldest known grains originating in Africa and India.
- One bushel of grain sorghum equals 56 pounds.
- It takes only 6 inches of total water (soil, rainfall, irrigation) to produce the first bushel of grain sorghum.
- Sorghum heads have 750-1,250 seeds per head.
- Sorghum can be used to produce packing peanuts.